34 research outputs found

    La influencia de la percepción del entorno sobre los estilos de planificación y la amplitud del plan de marketing. Una aplicación a la distribución minorista de no alimentación

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    The aim of this paper is to determine the influence of retailer environment perception on corporate planning styles and the extent of the retailer marketing plan. First, we carry out a theoretical review of the three concepts and the existent relationships among them. This is followed by a description of the way the variables are measured and the design of the research, applied to the Spanish non-food retailer subsector, by means of a postal survey, to a final sample of 93 retailers. The results allow us to affirm: 1) the existent relationship between corporate planning style and the extent of the marketing plan; 2) that the environment does not influence the chosen style of planning; 3) that some of the environmental factors influence the extent of the marketing plan.El principal objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la influencia de la percepción del entorno sobre los estilos de planificación corporativa y sobre la amplitud posterior del plan de marketing minorista. Para conseguir este objetivo, en primer lugar se lleva a cabo la revisión bibliográfica respecto a los tres conceptos y las relaciones existentes entre ellos. A continuación se describe la forma de medida de las variables y el diseño de la investigación, aplicado al subsector minorista español de no alimentación, mediante encuesta postal, a una muestra definitiva de 93 minoristas. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten afirmar la relación existente entre el estilo de planificación corporativo y la amplitud del plan de marketing y la no influencia del entorno sobre el estilo de planificación escogido, aunque sí de algunos de sus elementos sobre la amplitud del plan de marketing

    Drivers of social commerce usage: a multi-group analysis comparing Facebook and Instagram

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    Social media are increasingly used as platforms to not only socialise but also to shop for products and services. Social commerce is the new trend in e-commerce that leverages the enhanced consumer-to-consumer interactions to support shopping processes. Based on the concept of social commerce constructs suggested by Nick Hajli, this article investigates the role of social commerce constructs, emotional and informative support, and trust as drivers of social commerce intention. We apply multi-group analysis to validate the drivers of social commerce for two of the most relevant social media platforms: Facebook and Instagram. Based on a sample of 800 social commerce users, our findings reveal that social commerce constructs are strong drivers of social commerce intention for both social media platforms; however, there are differences between the two as Facebook seems to generate higher emotional support and trust than Instagram

    La formación de relaciones entre compradores y vendedores: Interacciones entre sus determinantes

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    La comercialización de productos cada vez tiene un mayor componente relacional, motivado, sin lugar a dudas, por la madurez de los mercados. Para Kotler (1991), en el horizonte del año 2000, el marketing será, ante todo, relacional. Afirma el profesor Kotler que «cuesta cinco veces más atraer a un nuevo cliente que mantener la fidelidad del que ya se tiene»; la orientación hacia el marketing relacional es necesaria y hay que desplazarse del clásico enfoque producto-precio-distribución-promoción hacia a un planteamiento de relaciones

    Insights into Closeness of Relationship as Determinant of Trust Within Marketing Channels

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    This article explores the role of closeness of relationship between channel members. Closeness is put forward as a genuine variable in channel relationships, as part of the processes that take place in marketing channel dyad interactions. Advances in theory of channel relationships are proposed by a deeper theoretical development of the concept “closeness relationships” from a multidisciplinary approach by stressing its relevance and by proposing a definition of closeness of relationship. Several features and ideas about closeness are proposed, such as the link between closeness of relationship and type of marketing relationships. Content validity is assessed to distinguish closeness from related constructs before exploring and operationalizing such a concept. The relationship between closeness and trust is explored by proposing actions to increase trust and assessing it empirically. An exploratory research is performed in the Spanish computer sector, testing relationships between a set of closeness components and trust between channel members. Results show that there are two factors underlying the construct closeness: interdependence and communication. However, only communication variables are significantly related to trust. Several conclusions and research propositions relevant for marketing theory and practice are presented

    El surtido como variable de clasificación: una aplicación a la distribución de cerámica y materiales de construcción en España

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    Classifying is essential for understanding the situation of the commercial distribution and analyzing its evolution. In the present paper we study the distribution of ceramics and building materials in Spain and we propose a classification based on a cluster analysis validated both internally and externally. As a result, we have obtained three clusters of distributors that present significant differences regarding their assortment, business areas, resources and results obtainedLa clasificación es esencial para comprender la situación de la distribución comercial y analizar su evolución. En el presente trabajo abordamos el estudio de los distribuidores de material cerámico y de construcción en España y realizamos una propuesta de clasificación de los mismos a partir de un análisis cluster al que hemos aplicado criterios de validación tanto interna como externa. Como resultado, obtenemos tres clusters de distribuidores que presentan diferencias significativas en cuanto al surtido que distribuyen, así como en las actividades empresariales desarrolladas, los recursos con los que cuentan y los resultados obtenido

    Research trends in retailing: a comparative approach Spain-Europe-USA

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    This paper describes the evolution of research in retailing comparing three different geographic regions: Spain, Europe and the United States. Working on the basis of a bibliographic review of the academic research published between 1996 and 2000 together with a content analysis, the results of this study reveal a heterogeneous evolution in nine thematic areas related to the field of retailing. The differences are particularly noticeable when comparing those of Europe with those of the USA, and reveal different areas of interest over the last five years

    Perceived congruence and online loyalty as segmentation variables in multichannel retailing: a comparison between appparel and electronics

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    As the interest of the literature on congruity between offline and online stores is relatively recent, empirical evidence is required to help marketing managers choose the most effective ways of contributing to the formation of consistent offerings as well as their contribution to generate customer loyalty. This study examines whether congruity can help to identify segments of heterogeneous consumers that differ significantly regarding these variables as well as other constructs related to the customer relationship with the retailer. The study attempts to identify which congruity attribute(s) are most relevant for differentiating customers by their loyalty towards the online store, so that retailers can design strategies for improving congruity between physical and online stores, and ultimately, increase online store loyalty

    Tendencias de la investigación en distribución comercial en España

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    Este trabajo ha pretendido contribuir a la reflexión acerca de los temas que más han interesado a los investigadores en distribución comercial en la última década, con el objetivo de, revisada la investigación hasta la fecha en el campo de la distribución comercial, establecer propuestas acerca de áreas temáticas que requieren de nuevos desarrollos o de una mayor profundidad en su estudio.This paper has sought to contribute to the discussion about the topics that have most interested researchers in commercial distribution in the last decade, with the aim of, reviewed the research to date in the field of retailing and prepare proposals on thematic areas that require new developments or deeper in their study

    Determinación de precios óptimos en el sector de la distribución comercial en españa: aplicación de un enfoque de competencia asimétrica

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    Teniendo en cuenta la importancia que adquieren las decisiones de precios en la distribucióncomercial minorista, en este trabajo se propone un modelo de decisión de precios óptimosen el que, a corto plazo, los efectos de los precios óptimos sobre la demanda y los márgenes deldistribuidor maximizan la rentabilidad global de la categoría de productos. Tres aspectos fundamentalespermiten describir esta propuesta: 1) se basa en una perspectiva agregada; 2) incorporamodelos de cuota de mercado con consistencia lógica –con el fin de aportar mayor robustez a lamedición de la demanda– y 3) incluye el papel de la estructura competitiva mediante una modelizaciónexplícita de los efectos asimétricos de precio entre productos competidores. Asimismo, seevalúan las consecuencias de una estructura competitiva asimétrica sobre las decisiones óptimasde precios y se cuantifica el coste derivado de obviar esta circunstancia en la toma de decisiones através de una aplicación empírica